
Scraps of Mystery Quests Guide

191 bytes added, 12:56, 14 February 2017
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{{see also|Guides|Quests}}[[Scraps of Mystery QuestsGuide]] Guide is created by [ /u/ItsBeyondMe]
==The Basics==
The quest leads you to a different location on the map where you are expected to find an item on the ground called “Sylvester’s Map Piece __.” There are likewise 14 of these maps, labelled A-N.
Once all 14 map pieces are collected, a final quest begins called “X “[[X Marks the Spot]].” Upon completion, this quest rewards you with 5,000 [[XP]], a [[Mythril Ingot]], & 50,000 [[gil]].
I personally had fun and hope that you do too! I know the reward isn’t that great, especially post-game, but as I mentioned, I believe these quests are more about the exploration than the reward. :)
1. Do your searches during the day. The items are a bit more visible, and you don’t have to worry about daemons appearing in the middle of your search.
2. It can be helpful to have [[Ignis ]] cook a [[Prime Garula Rib ]] so don’t run out of [[stamina]]. You may end up running around quite a bit. (Alternatively if you have the [[DLCs|Deluxe DLC]], you can wear the [[Royal Raiment ]] (No JaecketJacket) for the same effect.)
3. Based on the game’s recommended level listing, you can’t complete this quest line until you’re Level 44 or higher. Since there are no rewards until the very end of the quest line, there’s no need to try to complete everything right away!
==Tips for Mystery Maps==
1. [[Mystery Maps ]] are not blue sparkles on the ground. They are visible as maps on the ground in the environment. They do not disappear when picked up.
2. The diamond “Pick up” marker does not show up until you are within 10 ft. of the item on the map. (Normally, blue sparkles have a “Pick up” marker that appears when you are within 50ft. of them.)
==Location Hints==
The locations listed below are all [[Parking Spots ]] unless otherwise noted. This means you can fast travel to the location assuming you’ve visited it already. Remember, check the points of interest in the vicinity of these locations.
===In Leide===
[[Scraps of Mystery I]]: Hint: [[Longwythe Outpost]]
[[Scraps of Mystery II]]: Hint: [[Prarie Outpost]]
[[Scraps of Mystery III]]: Hint A: Between Hammerhead and Prarie Outpost Hint B: Near the intersection of the green and yellow roads
[[Scraps of Mystery IV]]: Hint: [[Crown City Checkpoint]]
[[Scraps of Mystery V]]: Hint A: In the [[Three Valleys ]] Hint B: Near the western most rock formation
===In Duscae===
[[Scraps of Mystery VI]]: Hint: [[Parking Spot: Roadside Scrapyard]]
[[Scraps of Mystery VII]]: Hint A: [[Chocobo Racetrack ]] (south of [[Wiz Chocobo Post]]) Hint B: Near the starting line
[[Scraps of Mystery VIII]]: Hint: [[Cauthess Rest Area]]
[[Scraps of Mystery IX]]: Hint: [[Taelpar Rest Area]]
[[Scraps of Mystery X]]: Hint A: South of [[Taelpar Crag ]] Hint B: West of [[Aracheole Stronghold ]] (Imperial Base)
===In Cleigne===
[[Scraps of Mystery XI]]: Hint: [[Alpine Stable]]
[[Scraps of Mystery XII]]: Hint: [[Meldacio Hunter HQ]]
[[Scraps of Mystery XIII]]: Hint A: [[Malmalam Thicket ]] Hint B: Between the parking spot and the dungeon
[[Scraps of Mystery XIV]]: Hint A: South of [[Fort Vaullerey ]] (Imperial Base) Hint B: In between the forked roads located to the south of Fort Vaullerey
[[Category:Quests]] [[Category:Guides]]