
Fishing Timed Quest

3,620 bytes added, 19:22, 3 May 2017
Created page with "To be a little more detailed with this quest, you need to find a spot where you like to fish and get to it for the next hours, as you’re ultimately only allowed to fish..."
To be a little more detailed with this quest, you need to find a spot where you like to [[fish]] and get to it for the next hours, as you’re ultimately only allowed to fish for an hour a day in regards to this quest. Depending on a large amount of different factors, it will lead to an increase in score for yourself and that score gets translated into “[[Quest Points]]” which in itself you can spend on special rewards that you can’t get in any other way. When you consider the fact that there is a [[greatsword]] on offer that you can’t acquire by playing the game regularly and this sword goes by the name of the [[Afrosword]] and it’s one of the better looking weapons in the game.

Now, enough of the background information and onto some serious tips/tricks to get you as high on the leaderboard as possible!

The first and possibly the most obvious of them all is by using the best [[rod]] and [[reel]] that you can get your hands on. You don’t necessarily need the best of the best for this event to make some decent headway in it to begin with, but in the long run it will most assuredly make your life that much easier. If by chance you don’t have them already, follow along the [[Navyth]] questline, which will result in giving you the best fishing equipment you can get your hands on.

Before you get started, it’s recommended that you pick up a load of consumable [[lines]], as you’re going to need to replace them on the regular whilst you’re fishing and you don’t want your hour-timer ticking down as you waste time purchasing some more lines.

Depending on where you decide to fish – it doesn’t matter where because it’s quantity over quality when it comes to this particular event, so just choose a location where you like to fish – and then be aware what lures are required for the fish in that area. Using the wrong lure can result in a waste of time and that basically means you won’t be getting a higher score while you fiddle with that, so just make sure to be prepared going in.

From the very moment you begin to fish, your timer starts for this event and you’ve got a whole hour to fish as much as you can, so if you’re planning to put the effort in for this event, it’s recommended that you focus solely on fishing for the entirety of that hour to make your leaderboard rankings that much higher.

When you spend all of your time fishing in that one spot, you are eventually going to run out of fish in that one location; that’s rather bad for an event that requires you to catch as much fish as you can within an hour. To circumvent this particular problem, head to a location where you can sleep; doesn’t matter if it’s a hotel, a motel, a camp, or even a caravan – just somewhere to sleep will manage to do the trick. The reason you’re going to want to do this is because when your character wakes up, the fish in that location will have respawned and you can carry on from there. Unfortunately, it is a bit of a tedious method, but it does save you having to hop in the car and quickly driving to the next fishing spot to solve the issue.

Preferably your fishing skill will already be at max level, but it isn’t exactly necessary and by the time the event is over, you will be max level and you’ll have received the minor buffs to make fishing a little bit easier.

Keeping all these tips in mind, you’re bound to make some serious bank in terms of Quest Points and you can purchase that greatsword you’ve always wanted or even something else event-related. You’ll now have the Quest Points to spend at your complete leisure!