
Daurell Caverns (Menace)

34 bytes added, 01:33, 29 August 2017
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Throughout the dungeon you will be up against a variety of different combatants that don’t tend to have any weapon-specific weaknesses, with the only exception of the [[Shieldshear]]s – these guys really don’t like polearms being used on them. For the remainder of the dungeon, it’s best to just go with the weapons that you feel deal the most amount of DPS against the oncoming enemies.
A lot of this dungeon, similar to many of the other secret dungeons, there’s a lot of linearity as you make your way to the end of the dungeon, so expect to simply hold up on your controller until you come across some enemies and do what you will to take them out. Eventually on your journey you will come in contact with some mini-slime like creatures that could easily spend a good couple of minutes enduring all of your physical strikes. Of all the enemies in this dungeon, this is the only one that is really going to need some affinity of magic used against it or Ring of the Lucil should do it – otherwise you’ll be stuck swinging at them for way longer than you should be comfortable for.
Soon enough you will enter a room with multiple exits and the pathway to the left of where you entered is where you’ll find the continuation of the dungeon; along with a couple of separate pathways that will gain you a couple of different items.