Costlemark Tower Maze
Costlemark Tower Maze is a Dungeon.
[hide]Level 99 Version
- Endgame weapons - from Randolph Quest (Randolph is found in a back-alley in Lestallum), Steyliff Grove (don't go into this one without at least link-attack limit break) and The Boulves Mines (both in end-game versions).
- Food ingredients - bonuses you are looking for are +dmg +hp +toad-proof +elemental def bonus
- 99 Fire/Ice/Thunder elemancy and some already prepared spells. I finished dung without break-dmg spells but if I had any it would be so much easier.
- Lot of HP-potion for heal-cast spells. (2 Hi-potions + 1 elemancy = 4potential 99lvl healcast spell). You will use it a lot!
- The Grand Chamberlain (auto-elixir equip for Ignis) works in the dungeon when equipped. So it is possible to get some free heals from your items even though you can't manually use them.
- Goblins, level 84l (multiplier rooms)
- Arachnea, level 90 version, (spider-women-thingy) [up to 2 in one room]
- Lvl 90 Giants [not 100% sure but I think there were only 2 rooms with Giants. First room with 2 giants and second with 4 or 5)
- Lvl 93 Elder Courels (two rooms - one with 1 courel and second with 2 courels)
- Lvl ~90 Nagini-type (two rooms with 2 Nagini-type foes)
- More
- For both bosses you can use Thermal Suit found in Lestallum by Holly it gives 100% fire resistance meaning the 2 bosses most power attacks do nothing to your party and they only have their melee attacks to hurt you.
- Use Lasagna al Forno, which is HP +4000, Nullifies fire, ice, and lightning attacks, Exp+100%
- Goblins - ez. Daggers or lance. Use heal-casts on em if you want to be prepared for next room
- Arachnea-type - attack with lightning element, hits hard. Easy to land blind-side attack. They are hitting very hard and can kill your team in few seconds.
- Those guys are SUPER hard if you don't have limit-break Frost-type spell. Second room with 4/5 or em is absolutely broken. If they all use black-hole-hand-thingy at once whole team is almost insta-dead. Try to land graviton with prompto technique and cast limit-break frost-type spell. They are absorbing fire-based spells and are immune to lightining-type spells. Stay away from em, keep your eye on mana. If they start sucking you into black-hole-hand-thingy just try to warp away. If you got hp/mp and one of em is alone try warp-strike for 5000-9999 dmg. Don't try to combo. Hit and run.
- Elder Courel - single one is easy but still can 1shot whole team. Easy to stagger. If you got problem use armiger. But room with 2 of em is the hardest room in game - spells are doing 0 dmg to em (invulnerable), so no limit-breaks this time. This fight is a lot of random. I fight em with em a few times and sometimes they just 1shot whole of my team (beside me) within first 5s of combat. But the wining fight was pretty easy - they did not attack a lot, my teammates were alive and we just landed a few nice hits. Fight - you want to start fight when they are far from each other. Try to land good warp-strike, then armiger and focus all firepower on one Courel. You can also use royal-arms and accessories to stack lightning resistance because you will often stay 1v1 versus last Courel. Also - you can't phase (dodge) his aoe-lighting attack by holding block (square or R1 depends on control scheme). Use heal-cast and keep hp above 8000 all the time. - just don't use lightning-type heal-cast spell because you will heal em.
- Nagini-type - get somehow toad-proof. Accessory or food. Fight is not that hard, keep your distance, wait for a good moment.
- Block all of their attacks - if they catch you and no1 is around they will kill you in 5-6 seconds. If you manage to break free (by smashing square button) you will loss a lot of health. Beware of their smoke-dust-like attack. It will often kill your teammates because it deals 2-3k dmg every ~0.5s you stand in it. Tho it can be dodged by holding block button.
Fire Serpent
keep your distance, spam frost spells. He will charge something like supernova. Really easy to see it. Run on the other side of the room. And your teammates will probably die from it 'cuz they will be near the boss. If he wraps around you block or warp-out.
General TIPS - youse re-group (Ignis technique) to both heal during fight and AVOID some spells/attacks. Just remember it will reposition whole team to a mid-distance to enemy. So you can dodge a lot of attacks with it but you can also put whole team in danger.
Sometimes the best defense is a good offense - if you got high dmg you can sometimes deal 50-100% hp to enemy from link-strikes (if you got limit-break). To boost that up use Igni's technique "enhancement".
You can try equipping heal-cast spells on your teammates (just remember to create heal-casts from 1 element. You just want that heal effect). If you cast heal-cast 99 lv. spell it will HEAL up only you but to the maximum hp (works like elixir without MP regen). Sometimes your teammates got around 1-2k hp and you have NO WAY to heal em other than them casting heal-cast spell. The problem is they are casting spells at random. But you can try.
Equip 3 royal-arms with desired stats + weapon that works good vs type of foe you are fighting against. I was swapping weapons a LOT. Same with accessory. Swap em often.
And most important thing - luck is a thing in this dungeon. Your mates will die often in a stupid way. Try a few times and experiment a lot with magic - venom-cast/stop-cast etc.