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Story within Pitioss Ruins

10,491 bytes added, 10:44, 13 February 2017
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He is completely burned in the Big Bang art. His hair is charred off. His face is skeletal and damaged.
BUT…but…Perona…BUT…but…You…!! The figure in BB art has wings, and the Ifrit statue doesn’t! Don’t worry fam, we got you.
Now let’s continue. We really encourage you the player to play this part of Pitioss with this imagery in mind. This room is intense. Past the statue of Ifrit, the only path forward is random, twisted steel beams. The far end of the path is a dead end with a steep wall. There’s desperate scratch marks all over the wall, oozing star scourge.
One last question remains… If all Ifrit wanted was to be with Eos, why not just die with her down in the Underworld? She is dead, and he knows that he is going to die, so why the frenzied escape from the depths?
<includeonly>=</includeonly>==Proof<includeonly>=</includeonly>==Well, You, that’s a nice little theory you two have there, but it’s only a THEORY! It’s not canon unless there's proof in the game! We were convinced that this tale HAD to be true. All of the imagery is there, it is nearly impossible to dispute in at least some of the areas…but it wasn’t enough, there were still pieces missing to this puzzle. There’s nowhere to look for information about Ifrit. The Hexatheon don’t speak of him, there’s no lore in game, all we know is he is “The Betrayer”. So we turned to the only interaction we have with Ifrit in the entire game, the battle at the Citadel, hoping for SOMETHING. And boy, did we find something! This short conversation conveyed SO much. Shiva calls Ifrit “Pyreburner”. That’s an odd choice of words…a Pyre refers to a cremation burial… “That heart of flame was turned to ash once”…what could have turned Ifrit’s heart, master of fire, into ash? “A dead flame must burn no more”…Why is he a dead flame?? “Taste again the chill wind of death”….So Shiva confirms in game that Ifrit has died before. Pyreburner… He has burned a pyre. This is proof that he has handled a corpse. This perfectly falls into place with everything we have laid out for you about Pitioss Ruins. But somehow, this still isn’t quite enough… And then we saw it... Do you see it?? They've been in front of our faces this whole time! Ifrit burst out of Taelpar Crag, carrying Eos…and lit a Pyre at the nearby Rock of Ravatogh. He laid his beloved Eos down, lit the Pyre, and collapsed in death next to her, and while embracing her body, burned along with her. As her corpse burned, the ash and smoke rose in the sky, releasing the star scourge throughout the planet. And all that remains are her fossilized wing, and his crystalized horns, still visible from atop The Rock of Ravatogh to this day. During the quest “Ascend The Rock Of Ravatogh” Vyv says, “if you really want to impress people, you’ve got to show them something they’ve never seen before. They say there’s a cave near the summit that offers the finest view in all of creation.” This is a sublte hint from square enix! When you arrive at the cave to photograph it for Vyv.…there’s an item nearby. A RUBY BRACELET. Now why say it’s the finest view in all of creation, when it’s just a tiny cave with lava that you can’t even enter? Let’s take a closer look at it…. Huh. This reminds us of something… That isn't a cave, it's a crystallized heart. See the veins sticking out? It's Eos' heart! It has a hole in it…the same shape and size of the Dark Lucian Crystal. Let’s see what Bahamut has to say about the Crystal. The soul of the star is in the crystal. The sun is a star. Eos’ soul is in the crystal. This is why it can restore the Dawn. The crystal contains a small shred of the goodness and light that once was Eos. Ifrit saved her just in time, before the last of her light was extinguished. If he had not gotten Eos’ out when he did, and purified her body with the Pyre, her light would’ve gone out, bringing eternal night. Burning her on the Pyre spread the star scourge into the air, but it was a necessary evil. But how was the Crystal retrieved?? Let’s look at Ifrit during the Citadel battle. After Ifrit transferred his soul to his nearby messenger, he must have returned to the Pyre after the flames died down. He must’ve cut open her heart and reached inside to retrieve the Crystal. That is why he has burns on half of his body. Her burning, crystalized heart was still that hot! At some point, Bahamut must’ve stolen the Crystal from him. Also, at some point after his first death and retrieving the crystal from Eos’ heart, Ifrit in his messenger’s body must have built Pitioss ruins. At the cost of his life, at the cost of becoming a Betrayer, at the cost of spreading star scourge unto the world. If Ifrit had not saved Eos when he did, the last of her light would've been extinguished, and there never would of been another dawn! Ifrit is the hero of this game! Not the Lucian Kings, not The Oracles, and certainly not the other Astrals! Ifrit unintentionally save the world with his act of pure love. But why do the other Astrals call him The Betrayer? We know Titan was blocking his entrance. They most likely believed that nothing was wrong, and Eos would be fine in her prison of utter darkness, continuing the cycle of Dawn for all eternity. In their eyes, all they see is Ifrit coming forth from the Underworld with the Punished One, festering with Star Scourge. In their eyes, Ifrit is to blame for bringing forth the Star Scourge. Wow, they’re assholes. Hmm…who else acts like this? The Gods in Greek & Roman Mythology!! They’re Astrals, Divine Beings, couldn’t they of purified the crystal themselves? It’s pure malice that they put this on humans. They want every trace of the original Eos to be erased, and if her bloodline can’t do it, then fuck the planet, enjoy your eternal night. Ifrit then continued to oppose the other Astrals plans to have the Lucian line purify the Crystal. If Eos is reborn, then it would no longer be “HER”. Ifrit goes as far as to side with and aid Ardyn , slowing the plans of the other Astrals for centuries. Even in the battle at the citadel, Ifrit fights to the death to protect the last sliver of his Beloved. My god…how tragic is this?!? He fought SO hard to save Eos, literally going to the depths of hell & back, giving up his life, only to die in the end, and knowing that his efforts were for naught. How appropriate is Chapter 0 now?! This story begins and ends with Ifrit. Even the song, Somnus, fits in to the story of this game now: +++++ God (Eos) sleeps And his (her) children (Lucians) start a fire (Ardyn) Which they cannot extinguish And he (she) will never be able to awake. Every tragedy divides, before our very eyes, the things which should be loved. And in this endless night, In despair, He (she) can see the dawn That will awake him (her) in the next morning +++++ That’s why the developers left Somnus in the game! That’s why it plays during your last trek through Insomnia! It still applies.  Let’s look at further proof that this is Ifrit’s corpse next to Eos on the Rock of Ravatogh. These rock formations perfectly match up to where the horns of Ifrit are seen on the Rock of Ravatogh. Next, bring up your world map and zoom into the Rock of Ravatogh area. You can see Ifrit’s horns, Eos’ wing, Ifrit’s wings & spine…but look closely. Do you see the skull of Eos near her wing?? Screenshots don’t pick it up very well because it’s very faint, but it’s there. Go look! There’s a faint underlying purple color that stands out and looks like a x-ray. You can make out bits and pieces of Eos’ & Ifrits’ bones. Astral bones on the world map and no one noticed! Here’s the best picture we could get: Go ahead and visit The Rock of Ravatogh right now. Let’s take a fun tour! First, what do you see strewn throughout the entrance and dungeon of Ravatogh? Those are giant logs of petrified wood. They’ve been stacked up for a pyre & petrified in the pyre blaze. Ravatogh Tour Part 2: Owlyss Haven. Owl in latin is Aegolius, and refers to a group of birds of prey who are thought to be an ill omen. So Aegolius refers to a genus of owls, the most common being Boreal Owls. The genus name for Boreal Owls is Aegolius Funereus. Translation: An ill-omened funeral. So SQ even went so far as to leave a hint at a campground!! Ravatogh Tour Part 3: Can’t leave out the crystallikzed heart of Eos! Go ahead and take a tour of your own. Lots of things look like body parts. We’ve been trying to place the various body parts of Eos & Ifrit in Rock of Ravatogh, but can’t 100% nail everything down. We do have our suspicions, though. We personally believe that the arch you walk under to get to Owlyss Haven is Eos’ Pelvic bone. That would make Owlyss literally her womb…The Tomb of the Fierce could be placed Eos feet. Heck, the Mace of the Fierce even kind of resembles bones found in the foot. But since SQ made a point of there being basically vultures present, a lot of their bones are scattered. Proof is even in this loading screen for Chapter 15!! The Rock of Ravatogh is on the western side of the continent. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The sun is setting over Eos’ wing…and the night is coming. Her story has ended. Her sun has set. And now she is waiting for the new Dawn. Ardyn wears a coat with one black wing in the Kingsglaive movie. Regis’ crown is a subtle hint. He wears a stone crown that resembles a lock of Eos’ hair. PIC: This imagery of one wing raised to the sky has been around even back to Versus XIII days. Another interesting thing to look at is the Vesperpool. Vesper is the Roman equivalent of the Greek demigod Hesperus. In Greek mythology, Hesperus is the Evening Star, the planet Venus in the evening. He is the son of the dawn goddess Eos. Hesperus' Roman equivalent is Vesper ("evening", "supper", "evening star", "west"). Hesperus' father was Cephalus, a mortal. The word "kephalos" is Greek for "head", perhaps used here because Cephalus was the founding "head" of a great family. Cephalus was one of the lovers of the dawn goddess Eos. So Vesper means "Evening Star". What weapon do you find in the Vesperpoole tomb?? The Star of the Rogue. The Evening Star. Or rather,Hesperus, son of of Eos. And Hesperus's father was mortal, Cephalus, who was the head of a great family... Tabata held an Active Time Report on February 2nd. During it, he was asked about Pitioss. Q. How was Pitioss concept born? A. Some developer wanted to make Ramuh a massive floating head, but that didn't work out but he used his ideas for Pitioss. So try and puzzle out how a floating head of Ramuh would’ve fit in with Pitioss, lol! [[Category:Lore]]

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