Royal Arms

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See also: Weapons


Stats of Royal Arms

WeaponAttackCriticalMax HPMax MPStrengthVitalityMagicSpiritBullet ResistFire ResistIce ResistLightning ResistDark ResistEffect
Axe of the Conqueror+483+2+60-80A polearm that performs slow but powerful attacks
At the expense of defense
Blade of the Mystic+396+2+1 50+30+20A longsword with the ability to increase the wielder's Strength through a unique self-buff
Bow of the Clever+203+7+80+50A bow that fires piercing arrows while allowing the wielder to move freely about the battlefield
Katana of the Warrior+361+3+100+25+25+25-50A longsword that attacks quickly and relent lessly aft er startup
Mace of the Fierce+334+2+300-50A mace with the ability to deal grievous breakage to body parts/ appendages
Scepter of the Pious+237+2+150+50A scepter that takes different forms to perform a variety of attacks
Shield of the Just+251+1+500-50-100+1DO+10+10+10+10+10Enabling HP recovery at the cost of MP
A shield that enables cover status when guarding
Star of the Rogue+177+2+20+20+20A shuriken capable of dealing multiple hits in rapid succession
Either on different targets or on the various body parts of a single ta rget
Sword of the Father+141+5+100+100A sword that briefly increases its wielder's Strength after Finishers
Sword of the Tall+518+2+200+D-30-40-40-40-40A greatsword that deals multiple hits with each blow
Sword of the Wise+194+3+100+30+30+30A sword that performs preemptive warp-strrkes to close the distance quickly
Swords of the Wanderer+153+3+50+50Dual swords that can transform into a single weapon to deliver powerful blows
Trident of the Oracle+388+5+60A polearm that produces an afterimage capable of performing additional attacks

How to Obtain Royal Arms

Royal Arms Tips and Tricks