How to Farm Wyvern Hunt for 700K EXP and 350K Gil per Hour

See also: Guides

I have seen a few videos floating around of the Wyvern Hunt EXP farm near Ravatogh. Though they seem to waste a lot of time getting to and from the hunt site. I made a guide on how to set up a 'teleport loop' to make this as fast as possible. In my testing I was able to earn 700k EXP and 350k Gil an hour, with ONLY the 100% food buff from Altissia. If you use the double Moogle Charm it would be a far higher number per hour.

I know the hunt is not exactly a new idea but the 'loop' is what makes it even faster!

  • First travel to Verinas Mart - Ravatogh and stay a night at the caravan/ hotel. This is to set up your 'last rest' part of the loop.
  • In the morning head to the parking area just to the south of your location (if you pick up the hunt the auto car mode will take you to this spot)
  • Once your car is parked opposite the hunt site, open your map and use "return to place last rested'

Optional: Summon Umbra and head to Altissia to eat the Lasagne at the Floating Market Station.

  • Open your map and select 'Return to Car'. This will give a short loading screen putting you next to your parked car and just outside the yellow hunt circle.
  • You can kill the Wyverns with conventional weapons or for a MUCH faster result you can use the Ring of the Lucii from Chapter 13. With the ring equipped and selected, hold down circle (on the PS4) to cast a drain spell (the single target drain). This should take care of the wyverns VERY fast!
  • As soon as the hunt is done hit that map button and 'Return to place last rested'. You will be outside the Mart. Take a few steps, hand in the hunt and reaccept the hunt!
  • The gil comes from selling the Wyvern Wings the enemies drop. I got nearly 200 in the hour i farmed selling for about 310k gil.

Once you get the rhythm it just gets faster! And with Moogle Charms on all your lads, the EXP is gonna fly in!