- See also: Items
[hide]Restaurant Meals
- See also: Restaurant Meals
- See also: Ingredients
Ingredient | Buy | Sell | Source | Acquired by |
Aegir Root | - | 10 | Collectible | Galdin Quay region |
Allural Sea Bass Fillet | ?? | ?? | Fishing Shops | Allural Sea Bass Coral Allural Sea Bass Copper Allural Sea Bass Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) |
Allural Shallot | Sidequests Shops Colelctible | A Meat Most Magnificent (Takka) Furloch Farms (Lestallum) Daurell Caverns | ||
Alstroom | 200 | 100 | Shops Collectible | JM Market (Old Lestallum) Coernix Station - Alstor Region |
Anak Meat | 80 | 40 | Shops Enemy Drop | JM Market (Longwythe Rest Area) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) Parvinath General Store (Meldacio Hunter HQ) Anak (50%) Anak Stag (25%) |
Arapaima Roe | 100000 | 50000 | Shops Mini-Game | Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) Totomostro |
Barramundi Fillet | 300 | 150 | Shops Minigame | JM Market (Cape Caem) Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) Fishing |
Beetroot | ?? | ?? | Collectible Shops | Duscae region Furloch Farms (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) |
Behemoth Tenderloin | 3200 | 1600 | Shops Enemy drop | Furloch Farms (Lestallum) Parvinath General Store (Meldacio Hunter HQ) Deadeye Behemoth Tyrant Rough Behemoth Tyrant |
Birdbeast Egg | 20 | 10 | Shops | Mini-mart (Hammerhead) Aldare's (Galdin Quay) JM Market (Prairie Outpost) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) |
Bulette Shank | ?? | ?? | Enemy drop Shops | Bulettes (x2) 50% Shopping on the Road (from Chapter 3) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) Parvinath General Store (Meldacio Hunter HQ) |
Caem Pinkshrimp | 150 | 75 | Shops | JM Market (Cape Caem) Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) |
Catoblepas Brisket | - | 600 | Enemy drop | Catoblepas (50%) |
Chickatrice Leg | - | 120 | Enemy drop | Chickatrice (75%) |
Chocobean | ?? | ?? | Collectible Shops | Leide and Duscae regions Mini-Mart (Hammerhead) JM Market (Longwythe Rest Area) Aldare's (Galdin Quay) JM Market (Prairie Outpost) Furloch Farms (Lestallum) |
Cleigne Darkshell | 320 | 160 | Shops Collectible | JM Market (Cape Caem) Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) Old Lestallum Region |
Cleigne Mollusk | 400 | 200 | Shops Collectible | JM Market (Cape Caem) Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) Old Lestallum region |
Cleigne Wheat | 100 | 50 | Side quest Sidequests Shops | Hunters and Gatherers Emergency Delivery - Taka JM Market - Longwythe Rest area PRissock General Store - Lestallum |
Cygillan Crab | ?? | ?? | Shops | Shopping on the Road (from Chapter 15) Prissock General Store (Lestallum) Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) |
Daggerquill Breast | - | 30 | Enemy drop | Daggerquill (50%) |
Dank Barramundi Fillet | ?? | ?? | Fishing Shops | Dank Barramundi Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) |
Dualhorn Steak | 160 | 80 | Shops Sidequests Enemy drop | Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) Parvinath General Store (Meldacio Hunter HQ) Hunters and Gatherers (Takka) Dulahorn (75%) |
Eos Green Peas | - | 15 | Collectible | Common in Leide |
Fine Cleigne Wheat | 980 | 490 | Sidequests Shops | Berried Memories - Coctura Furloch Farms - Lestallum JM Market (Old Lestallum) Old Gobunant's Boat (Altissia) |
Fine Gighee Ham | 400 | 200 | Shops | Prissock General Store (Lestallum) Old Gobunant's Boat (Altissia) |
Funguar | 80 | 40 | Shops Sidequests Collectible | Mini-mart (Hammerhead) JM Market (Prairie Outpost) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) Scenic Delivery (Takka) Galdin Quay region |
Garlic | ?? | ?? | Collectible Shops | Duscae and Cleigne regions Shopping on the Road (from Chapter 3) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Furloch Farms (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) Parvinath General Store (Meldacio Hunter HQ) Old Gobunant's Boat (Altissia) |
Garula Sirloin | 120 | 60 | Shops Enemy drop Enemy Drop | Minimart (Hammerhead) Aldare's (Galdin Quay) JM Market (Prairie Outpost ) Kiosk (Wiz chocobo post) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) Garula Green Garula (75%) Garulet (50%) |
Garulessa Steak | ?? | ?? | Shops | Prissock General Store (Lestallum) Parvinath General Store (Meldacio Hunter HQ) |
Giant Trevally Fillet | 100 | 50 | Shops Mini-game | JM Market (Cape Caem Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) Fishing |
Gigantoad Steak | ?? | ?? | Enemy drop Shops | Gigantoads (x2) 75% Shopping on the Road (from Chapter 5) Prissock General Store (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) Parvinath General Store (Meldacio Hunter HQ) |
Gighee Ham | 30 | 15 | Sidequests Shops | Scenic Delivery (Takka) Minimart (Hammerhead) Aldare's (Galdin Quay) JM Market (Prairie Outpost ) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum |
Griffon Breast | 3200 | 1600 | Side quest Shops Enemydrop | Lestallum's Finest (Takka) Prissock GEneral STore (Lestallum) Griffon (75%) Griffon - hunt (15%) |
Hulldagh Nutmeg | 600 | 300 | Sidequests Shops Collectible | Everyone Loves Beans (Takka) Prissock General STore (Old Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) Old Gobunant's Boat (Altissia) Taepar Rest Area Region) |
Jabberwock Sirloin | 5200 | 2600 | Shops | |
Karlabos Claw | ?? | ?? | Enemy drop Shops | Karlaboses (x2) 50% JM Market (Cape Caem) |
Kettier Ginger | 800 | 400 | Sidequests Shops Collectible | A Meat Most MAgnificent (Takka) Furloch Farms (Lestallum) Daurell Caverns |
Killer Tomato | 500 | 250 | Sidequests Shops | Emergency Delivery Everyone Loves Beans (Takka) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) Old Gobunant's Boat (Altissia) |
Kujata Marrow | 2700 | 1350 | Shops Enemy drop | Furloch Farms (Lestallum) Molokujata (75%) |
Leiden Pepper | 20 | 10 | Sidequests Shops Collectible | Hunters and Gathers Everyone Loves Beans (Takka) Mini-mart (Hammerhead) JM Market (Prairie Outpost) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) Parvinath General Store (Meldacio Hunter HQ) Old Gobunant's Boat (Altissia) Common in Leide |
Leiden Potato | 40 | 20 | Sidequests Shops Collectible | Scenic Delivery (Takka) Mini-mart (Hammerhead) JM Market (Prairie Outpost) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Fallstar Foods Longwythe Rest Area region |
Leiden Sweet Potato | - | 80 | Sidequests Collectible | Berried Memories (Coctura) Longwythe Rest Area region |
Leukorn Steak | - | 250 | Enemy drop | Leukorn (50%) |
Lucian Carp Fillet | ?? | ?? | Fishing Shops | Lucian Carp Bronze Lucian Carp Sunset Lucian Carp Dusk Lucian Carp Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) |
Lucian Tomato | 200 | 100 | Shops | JM Market (Longwythe Rest Area) Aldare's (Galdin Quay) JM Market (Prairie Outpost) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) |
Luncheon Meat | ?? | ?? | Shops | Shopping on the Road (anytime) Mini-Mart (Hammerhead) JM Market (Longwythe Rest Area) Aldare's (Galdin Quay) JM Market (Prairie Outpost) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) |
Malmashroom | 1000 | 500 | Shops Collectible | Prissock General Store (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) Malmalam Thicket |
Midgardsormr Shank | 2400 | 1200 | Shops Enemy drop | Prissock General Store (Lestallum) Midgardsormr Grootslang (50%) |
Mighty Barramundi Fillet | ?? | ?? | Fishing Shops | Mighty Barramundi Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) |
Nebula Salmon Fillet | 560 | 280 | Shops Mini-Game | Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) Fishing |
Platinum Myrltrout Fillet | 3900 | 150 | Shops Minigame | Gamberett's Catch (Altissia) Fishing |
Sahagin Liver | N/A | 400 | Enemy drop | Alphagin (50%) |
Saxham Rice | 200 | 100 | Sidequests Shops | Emergency Delivery Lestallum's Finest (Takka) JM Market (Old Lestallum) JM Market (Cape Caem) Old Gobunant's Boat (Altissia) |
Schier Turmeric | 250 | 25 | Sidequests Shops Collectible | Lestallum's Finest (Takka) Prissok General Store (Old Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) Old Gobunant's Boat (Altissia) Common in Duscae and Cleigne |
Sea Bass Fillet | 1380 | 690 | Shops Minigame | Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) Fishing |
Sheep Milk | 10 | 5 | Sidequests Shops | Scenic Delivery (Takka) Minimart (Hammerhead) JM Market (Prairie Outpost) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) |
Shieldshears Claw | ?? | ?? | Enemy drop Shops | Shieldshears (x2-3) 50% Shopping on the Road (from Chapter 15) Prissock General Store (Lestallum) JM Market (Cape Caem) |
Smoking Wood | 310 | 155 | Shops Collectible | Prissock General Store Taelpar Rest Area Region |
Sweet Pepper | ?? | ?? | Collectible Shops | Leide region Shopping on the Road (Anytime) Mini-Mart (Hammerhead) JM Market (Longwythe Rest Area) Aldare's (Galdin Quay) JM Market (Prairie Outpost) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Furloch Farms (Lestallum) JM Market (Old Lestallum) Parvinath General Store (Meldacio Hunter HQ) Gobunant's Boat (Altissia) |
Tenebraen Oak | 700 | 350 | Shops Collectible | Gamberetto's Catch Old Lestallum region |
Tide Grouper Fillet | 1380 | 1100 | Shops Minigame | JM Market (Cape Caem) Fishing |
Trout Fillet | 100 | 50 | Shops Mini-game | JM Market (Cape Caem) Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) Fishing |
Ulwaat Berries | 4000 | 2000 | Shops Cape Caem Farm | Old Gobunant's Boat (Altissia) Trade in two Caem Carrots |
Vesper Gar Fillet | - | 1800 | Mini-game | Fishing |
Vesproom | 300 | 150 | Shops Colectible | JM Market (Old Lestallum) Meldacio Hunter HQ region |
Wennath Salmon Fillet | ?? | ?? | Fishing Shops | Wennath Salmon Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) |
Wild Onion | 100 | 50 | Shops Collectible | JM Market (Longwythe Rest Area) Aldare's (Galdin Quay) Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) Fallstar Foods (Lestallum) Wiz Chocobo Post Cauthess Rest Area region |
Zipper Barramundi Fillet | ?? | ?? | Fishing Shops | Zipper Barramundi Gamberetto's Catch (Altissia) |
Zu Tender | 4800 | 2400 | Shops Enemy drop | Furloch Farms (Lestallum) Parvinath General Store (Meldacio Hunter HQ) |
Recipes for Cooked Meals.Recipe | Effect | Ingredients | SP | Acquired by |
Ace Hunter's Schnitzel | Strength +120 HP +400 | Bulette Shank Leiden Potato Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Read Orienteering Checkpoint C located on the door of a shack across the street from Coernix Station (Cauthess) |
Anointed Allural Sea Bass | Strength +200 HP +1000 Magic +150 | Allural Sea Bass Fillet Wild Onion | ?? | Obtain Allural Sea Bass Fillet by fishing Allural Sea Bass |
Battered Barramundi | Strength +100 HP +500 | Barramundi Fillet Leiden Potato | ?? | Read Orienteering Checkpoint F A few steps to the south of the arms vendor at Galdin Quay |
Beanball Croquettes | HP +500 Prevents most status | Chocobean Cleigne Wheat Schier Turmeric | ?? | Read Orienteering Checkpoint D from a poster at Furloch Farms |
Blazing Braised Gizzard | Magic +300 HP Recovery Rate x1.5 | Sahagin Liver Kettier Ginger Sweet Pepper | ?? | Obtain Kettier Ginger from a Food Spot in Cleigne |
Bouillon | Immune to Poison | Potato | ?? | Box behind the Arms Vendor at Prairie Outpost |
Breaded Cutlet with Tomato | Strength +60 HP +250 | Anak Meat Lucian Tomato | 50 | Cooking skill Lv. 4 |
Broiled King-on-a-Stick | Strength +300 HP +1500 Immunity to most status ailments | King Trout Fillet Leiden Pepper | ?? | Obtain King Trout Fillet by fishing King Trout |
Brown Sauce | Immune to Toad | Funguar | ?? | Bench located at Furloch Farms. |
Burly Bean Bowl | Strength +40 HP +300 | Chocobean Lucian Tomato Sweet Pepper | ?? | Purchase Chili con Carne at Takka's Pit Stop (Hammerhead) |
Cannedwich | Strength +100 HP +300 | Luncheon Meat Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Observe a woman eating a Cannedwich next to the dart board and radio at Prairie Outpost after reaching Chapter 3 |
Carp of the Diem | Strength +100 HP +1500 Immune to Poison | Lucian Carp Fillet Kettier Ginger | ?? | Obtain Lucian Carp Fillet by fishing Lucian Carp |
Charcuterie on Toast | Strength +80 HP +200 | Fine Gighee Ham | ?? | Acquire Fine Gighee Ham |
Chilled Food Tin | HP + 100 Strength +30 | - | 1 | Default (Chapter 10) |
Classic Tomato & Egg Stir-Fry | Strength +100 HP Recovery Rate x1.5 | Birdbeast Egg Lucian Tomato | ?? | Read Orienteering Checkpoint G A few steps to the south of the motel in the Longwythe Rest Area |
Creamy Bisque | Strength +160 HP Recovery Rate x2 | Karlabos Claw Wild Onion Leiden Pepper | ?? | Obtain a Karlabos Claw by defeating a Karlabos |
Creamy Crustacean Omelette | Strength +100 Magic +100 HP +400 | Shieldshears Claw Birdbeast Egg Eos Green Peas | ?? | Obtain a Shieldshears Claw |
Creamy Fowl Saute | Strength +80 HP +400 Prevents Poison | Daggerquill Breast Sheep Milk Funguar | 60 | Cooking skill Lv. 5 |
Creamy Milk Risotto | HP +600 HP Recovery Rate x1.75 Prevents Toad | Malmashroom Saxham Rice Sheep Milk | 70 | Cooking skill Lv. 8 |
Crispy Cheese Pizza | Strength +100 Infinite Stamina Prevents Poison | - | 1 | Pre-order bonus |
Crispy Fish Fritterwich | Strength +160 HP +800 | Zipper Barramundi Fillet Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Acquire Zipper Barramundi Fillet |
Crispy Zu Skewers | HP +80 Critical Rate +20% | Zu Tender Fine Cleigne Wheat | 100 | Unlocked after your first Zu Tender drop |
Croaker in Brown Sauce | Strength +150 HP +600 | Gigantoad Steak Aegir Root | ?? | Read Oric's Culinary Chronicle |
Croque Madame | Strength +30 | Birdbeast Egg Gighee Ham | 40 | Default |
Crown City Dive-Style Dumplings | Strength +100 Magic +100 | Bulette Shank Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Read Orienteering Checkpoint B on a wall in the West |
Crown City Roast | Strength +400 HP +3000 | Jabberwock Sirloin Leiden Pepper | 90 | Unlocked after your first Jabberwock Sirloin drop |
Crustacean Bowl | HP +600 | Egg Saxham Rice | ?? | (Old Lestallum) |
Cup Noodles | Strength +30 HP +300 | Cup Noodles | 1 | Approach the Cup Noodles Wagon in Lestallum |
Cup Noodles with Egg/Beef/Shrimp | Strength +80 HP +500 EXP +20% EXP earned | Cup Noodles | 1 | Sidequest: The Perfect Cup (Gladiolus) |
Darkshells Marinières | Strength +100 Tech Boost | Cleigne Darkshell Garlic | ?? | Acquire Cleigne Darkshell |
Devilfin Soup | Strength +200 HP Recovery Rate x2.25 | Coraldevil Fin Kettier Ginger Leiden Pepper | ?? | Obtain Coraldevil Fin by fishing Coraldevil |
Dish and Chips | HP +300 | Leiden Potato | ?? | Purchase Kenny's Fries at any Crow's Nest Diner |
Dry-Aged Tender Roast Stew | Strength +80 HP +250 | Garula Sirloin Leiden Potato Lucian Tomato | 50 | Unlocked after your first Garula Sirloin drop |
Egg-Fried | Strength +100 Magic +100 | Shieldshears Claw Birdbeast | ?? | Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes Vol. 1 from JM Market |
Egg-Fried Crustacean Bowl | HP+600 | - | 1 | Default |
Elegant Orange Cake | Vitality +250 Spirit+400 HP +1000 | Duscaen Orange Fine Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Obtain a Duscaen Orange from a Food Spot in Duscae |
Excellent Oven-Roasted Trout | Strength +350 HP +2000 Fire Resistance +50 | Platinum Myrltrout Fillet Allural Shallot | 100 | Catch a Platinum Myrltrout |
Fire-Sauce Fillet | Strength +200 Magic +200 HP +600 | Dank Barramundi Fillet Kettier Ginger Sweet Pepper | ?? | Read Orienteering Checkpoint A on the shack door west of Coernix Station – Alstor |
Fisherman's Favorite Paella | Stength +120 HP Recovery Rate x1.25 HP +600 | Cleigne Mollusk Caem Pinkshrimp Saxham Rice | 70 | Sidequest: Kitty Catering (Cat) |
Fishsticks on Sticks | HP +1000 Critical Rate +50% | Sea Bass Fillet Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Read Oric's Culinary Chronicle |
Flame-Roasted Toast | Strength +10 | - | 1 | Default |
Fluffy Chiffon Cake | Vitality +200 Spirit +200 HP +1000 | Leiden Sweet Potato Cleigne Wheat | 60 | Cooking skill Lv. 6 |
Free-Range Fowl over Rice | Strength +100 HP +500 HP Recovery Rate x1.25 | Basilisk Breast Saxham Rice | ?? | Obtain a Basilisk Breast by defeating a Basilisk |
Fried Frontier Skewer | HP +500 Critical Rate +30% | Bulette Shank Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Acquire a Bulette Shank after defeating a Bulette |
Fried Rookie on | Strength +100 HP +400 | Birdbeast Egg Saxham Rice | ?? | Read Oric's Culinary Chronicle |
Fried Rookie on Rice | HP +400 | - | 1 | Default |
Fried Tide Grouper | Strength +500 | Tide Grouper Fillet Garlic | ?? | Obtain Tide Grouper Fillet by fishing Tide Grouper |
Garden Curry | Strength +80 HP +500 Fire Resistance +50 | Leiden Potato Schier Turmeric Saxham Rice | ?? | Obtain Schier Turmeric from a Food Spot |
Garulessandwich | Strength +120 HP +600 | Garulessa Steak Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Acquire Cleigne Wheat |
Gold Tail Soup | 100% Critical Rate HP Recovery Rate x2.5 | Kujata Marrow Platinum Myrltrout Fillet Allural Shallot | 90 | Cooking skill Lv. 10 |
Golden Egg Galette | Strength +120 HP +400 | Birdbeast Egg Fine Gighee Ham Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Read Orienteering Checkpoint E found on a signpost as you walk up the path from the road to the Cape Caem lighthouse |
Grease Monkey's Schnitzel Sandwich | Strength +80 HP +200 | Garula Sirloin Cleigne Wheat | 50 | Eat Hamerhead Hot Sandwich at Hammerhead |
Green Soup Curry | Strength +160 HP +800 Fire Resistance +70 | Chickatrice Leg Allural Shallot Sweet Pepper | ?? | Obtain an Allural Shallot from a Food Spot |
Grilled Mighty Barramundi | Immune to Fire Ice And Lightning damage And to most status ailments | Mighty Barramundi Fillet Kettier Ginger | ?? | Obtain Mighty Barramundi Fillet by fishing Mighty Barramundi |
Grilled Wild Barramundi | Strength +80 HP +500 | Barramundi Fillet Schier Turmeric | 60 | Catch a Crag Barramundi |
Grilled Wild Trevally | Strength +70 HP +100 | Trevally Fillet Leiden Pepper | ?? | Acquire Trevally Fillet |
Hearty Cutlet on Rice | Strength +250 HP +1500 | Girffon Breast Fine Cleigne Wheat Saxham Rice | 90 | Unlocked when you see the corresponding magazine cover (under the road bridge directly south of the Vesperpool) |
Horntooth Meat | Strength +160 Magic +160 | Garulessa Steak Dualhorn Steak | ?? | Observe a woman eating Horntooth Meat Pie outside |
Horntooth Meat Pie | Strength +160 Magic +160 HP +600 | Garulessa Steak Dualhorn Steak Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Observe a woman eating Horntooth Meat Pie outside Parvinath General Store at Meldacio Hunter HQ |
Hot Hopper Skewers | Equalizer Immune to Toad | Gigantoad Steak Garlic Aegir Root | ?? | Acquire Garlic |
Hunter's Krazy Kebabs | Strength +200 HP +800 | Catoblepas Brisket Wild Onion | 80 | Eat Meat and Onion Skewers at Meldacio Hunter HQ |
Karlabos Cream Croquettes | Strength +200 HP +1000 HP Recovery Rate x1.5 | Karlabos Claw Cleigne Wheat Aegir Root | ?? | Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes Vol. 4 from JM Market (Cape Caem) |
Kenny's Original Recipe | Strength +150 Vitality +200 | Nebula Salmon Fillet Garlic | ?? | Purchase Kenny's Salmon at any Crow's Nest Diner |
Kenny's Secret Recipe | Strength +400 Magic +300 Vitality +300 | Wennath Salmon Fillet Garlic | ?? | Purchase Kenny's Special Salmon at The Original Crow's Nest Diner (Old Lestallum) |
King's Stew | Strength +350 HP +1500 | Behemoth Tenderloin Griffon Breast Kujata Marrow | 90 | Eat Hunter's Ragout at Meldacio Hunter HQ |
Kupoberry Cheesecake | Decrease damage to fishing line by 25% | Sheep Milk Leiden Sweet Potato Duscaen Orange | ????? | |
Lasagna al Forno | HP +4000 EXP +100% Blocks Fire/Ice/Lightning | Jabberwock Sirloin Cleigne Darkshell Fine Cleigne Wheat | 90 | Cooking skill Lv. 9 |
Legendary Herb-Grilled Whopper | Strength +500/Magic 0 | Vesper Gar Filler Schier Turmeric Leiden Pepper | 90 | Catch a Vesper Gar |
Lestallum Stewed Tripe | Magic +200 HP Recovery Rate x1.75 | Sahagin Liver Hulldagh Nutmeg Killer Tomato | 70 | Eat Offal Stew in Lestallum |
Longwythe's Peak | Strength +600 HP +4000 HP Recovery Rate x3 | Adamantoise Meat Kettier Ginger | ?? | Read Oric's Culinary Chronicle |
Marrowshroom Chowder | Guaranteed critical hits | Kujata Marrow Vesproom Malmashroom | ?? | Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes Vol. 5 from Old Gobunant's Boat (Altissia) |
Meat-and-Beet Bouillon | Strength +100 HP +500 | Bulette Shank Beetroot Leiden Potato | ?? | Read Oric's Culinary Chronicle |
Meldacio Meat Pie | Strength +150 Magic +100 HP +500 | Leukorn Steak Dualhorn Steak Cleigne Wheat | 70 | Eat Mama Ezma's Meat Pie at Meldacio Hunter HQ |
Memory Lane Cake | Magic +500/ Strength 0 | Leiden Sweet Potato Fine Cleigne Wheat Ulwaat Berries | 100 | Sidequest: Berried Memories (Coctura) |
Memory Lane Pastry | +500 Magic but reduces Strength to 0 | Ulwaat Berries Fine Cleigne Wheat Leiden Sweet Potato | 1 | Berried Memories |
Moist Tomato Cake | Vitality +200 Spirit +300 HP +1000 | Killer Tomato Fine Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Acquire Killer Tomato |
Multi-Meat Sandwich | HP +100 EXP +20% | Daggerquill Breast Gighee Ham Aegir Root | ?? | Obtain an Aegir Root from a Food Spot in Leide |
Mystery Meat Sushi | Strength +50 HP +100 | Luncheon Meat | ?? | Acquire Luncheon Meat |
Nebula Salmon Teriyaki | Strength +150 Magic +150 HP +600 | Nebula Salmon Fillet Hulldagh Nutmeg | 90 | Catch a Nebula Salmon |
Oak-Smoked Devil Gar | HP +2000 Immunity to Fire Ice And Lightning damage | Devil Gar Fillet Tenebraen Oak | ?? | Obtain King Devil Gar Fillet by fishing Spotted Devil Gar |
Oil-Drizzled Steamed Fish | Strength +60 HP +200 Magic +50 | Giant Trevally Fillet Wild Onion | 50 | Cooking skill Lv. 3 |
Packed Mushroom Stew | Strength/Magic +200 Max HP reduced to 10% | Alstroom Vesproom | 70 | Unlocked after collecting your first Vesproom |
Paella de Pollo | Strength +150 HP +500 | Chickatrice Leg Saxham Rice | ?? | Read Oric's Culinary Chronicle |
Papa Bird & Baby Bowl | HP +1000 EXP x1.4 Item Drop Rate + 100% | Basilisk Breast Birdbeast Egg Saxham Rice | ?? | Re-visit the spot where you learn the recipe for the Mother& Child Rice Bowl in Lestallum. Observe a woman eating on a bench near the lookout |
Peppery Daggerquill Rice | Strength +80 HP +250 | Daggerquill Breast Saxham Rice Leiden Pepper | 60 | Eat Bird-Broth Rice with Curry in Lestallum |
Pie | HP +600 | Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Parvinath General Store at Meldacio Hunter HQ |
Prairie-Style Skewers | Strength +40 HP +200 | Anak Meat Leiden Pepper | 50 | Cooking skill Lv. 2 |
Prime Garula Rib | Unlimited Stamina when sprinting HP +500 | Garulessa Steak Garlic | ?? | Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes Vol. 2 from Post Kiosk (Wiz Chocobo Post) |
Quillhorn Soup | Strength +100 HP Recovery Rate x1.75 | Daggerquill Breast Dualhorn Steak Wild Onion | ?? | Acquire Wild Onion |
Rice | Immune to Poison | Sweet Pepper | ?? | Table is across from the Cup Noodle truck Towards the city. |
Robust Bean Soup | HP +600 HP Recovery Rate x1.5 Tech Boost +100% | Eos Green Peas Leiden Pepper Killer Tomato | 60 | Cooking skill Lv. 7 |
Roc of Ravatogh Rice | Strength +300 HP +1500 | Zu Tender Saxham Rice | ?? | Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes Vol. 7 at Parvinath General Store (Meldacio Hunter HQ) |
Royal Banquet Canape | Strength/Magic +75 EXP +50% | Arapaima Roe Kettier Ginger Allural Shallot | 120 | Eat Fine Caviar Canape in Altissia |
Royal Road Paella | Strength +150 HP +1000 Infinite Stamina | Cleigne Mollusk Cleigne Darkshell Saxham Rice | 80 | Unlocked when you see the corresponding magazine cover (inside a small wooden building to the east of Coernix Station - Cauthess) |
Salmon-in-a-Suit | Strength +120 HP +700 | Nebula Salmon Fillet | ?? | Read Oric's Culinary Chronicle |
Sea Bass Saute | HP +1500 Prevents Toad Ice Resistance +50 | Sea Bass Fillet Tenebraen Oak | 80 | Eat Wood-Smoked Fish in Altissia |
Seasoned Midgardsormr | +2% damage per level for level difference between attacker and higher-level target Strength +350 HP +1000 | Midgardsormr Shank Hulldagh Nutmeg Killer Tomato | 90 | East Spicy Skewers in Lestallum |
Skewered Wild Trout | Strength +150 HP +800 Prevents Toad | Trout Fillet Leiden Pepper | 70 | Catch a Rainbow Trout |
Smoked Behemoth | Strength +400 HP +1000 Infinite Stamina | Behemoth Tenderloin Hulldagh Nutmeg Smoking Wood | 90 | Eat Smoked Dualhorn Shank at Verinas Mart - Ravatogh |
Spicy Long-Bone Rib Steak | Stength +50 HP +200 | Dualhorn Steak Leiden Pepper | 50 | Unlocked after your first Dualhorn Steak drop |
Stacked Ham Sandwich | HP +200 EXP +50% | Garula Sirloin Fine Gighee Ham Aegir Root | 60 | Eat Fat Chocobo Triple-Decker at Wiz Chocobo Post |
Style Dumplings | HP +300 | Leiden Pepper | ?? | Leiden Tunnel |
Sweet & Spicy Cygillan Crab | Strength +100 HP +200 Fire Resistance +70 | Cygillan Crab Sweet Pepper | ?? | Acquire Cygillan Crab |
Sweet Saltwater Crustacean Curry | Strength +120 HP +800 Fire Resistance +50 | Shieldshears Claw Cygillan Crab Sweet Pepper | ?? | Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes Vol. 6 at Verinas Mart – Ravatogh |
Taelpar Harvest Galette | Magic +120 Spirit +400 HP +1000 | Duscaen Orange Fine Cleigne Wheat Sheep Milk | ?? | Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes Vol. 3 at Burbost Souvenir Emporium |
Thick ‘n' Juicy Steak | Infinite Stamina HP +1000 | Catoblepas Brisket Kettier Ginger | 80 | Eat Sizzling Humongo-Steak at Hammerhead |
Three-Mushroom Kebabs | Strength +150 HP +800 Prevents most status ailments | Alstroom Vesproom Malmashroom | 80 | Unlocked after collecting your fist Malmashroom |
Tide Grouper Carpaccio | Strength +300 HP +1000 Prevents Instant Death | Tide Grouper Fillet Aegir Root | 90 | Eat Fettini di Cernia in Altissia |
Toadsteak Drumsticks | Strength +120 Magic +100 HP +500 | Gigantoad Steak Leiden Pepper | ?? | Obtain a Gigantoad Steak by defeating a Gigantoad |
Toasty Rice Balls | HP +50 | - | 1 | Default |
Tomalley-Filled Dumplings | Strength +100 Magic +200 HP +300 | Shieldshears Claw Fine Cleigne Wheat | ?? | Read Oric's Culinary Chronicle Chronicle |
Triple Truffle Risotto | HP +400 HP Recovery Rate x1.75 Immune to Poison | Funguar Alstroom Saxham Rice | ?? | Obtain an Alstroom from a Food Spot |
Veggie Medley Stew | Strength +20 HP +150 | Leiden Potato Sheep Milk Funguar | 40 | Default |
Favorite Food
- See also: Favorite Food
Eating a character's Favorite Food makes his Techniques better.
You probably know that eating your character's favorite food makes them learn their Skills like Fishing faster. But did you know it affects their battle Techniques as well?
Every Tech has a Critical Rate %. You may think, just like I did that it affects the chances of getting a critical hit with them. You're not wrong, but there's more to it. Every Tech has a different, stronger version and Critical Rate is the chance that the character will use the stronger version. However, eating their favorite food will increase this chance to 100 % for all their Techs.
Tech Name | Normal Version | Enhanced Version |
Tempest | 2 wide area attacks | 3 wide area attacks + Higher Critical chance |
Dawnhammer | A single powerful attack | Increased damage + Higher Critical chance |
Royal Guard | Cover and HP+MP regen | Ground slam AoE that staggers enemies and can push them away + Higher Critical chance |
Cyclone | AoE slam with a spinning follow up | More attacks in the follow up and launches Noctis in the air + Higher Critical chance |
Impact | 1 close range and 1 long range AoE attacks | Increased damage staggers enemies and cancels their animations + Higher Critical chance |
Favorite Food
Food | Effect | Ingredients |
Prairie-Style Skewers | Attack +40, HP +200 | Anak Meat, Leiden Pepper |
Fried Frontier Skewer | HP +500, Critical Chance +30% | Bulette Shank, Cleigne Wheat |
Skewered Wild Trout | Attack +150, HP +800, Toad-proof | Trout Fillet, Leiden Pepper |
Prime Garula Rib | Infinite Stamina, HP +500 | Garulessa Steak, Garlic |
Carp of the Diem | Attack +100, HP +1500, Poison-proof | Lucian Carp Fillet, Kettier Ginger |
Cup Noodles | Attack +30, HP +300 / Attack +80, HP +500, EXP +20% | Cup Noodles |
Tech Name | Normal Version | Enhanced Version |
Mark | Marks up to 4 enemies for a follow up | Higher Critical chance |
Regroup | Heals everyone and removes Danger status | Increases everyone's Defence by 100 for 30 seconds |
Overwhelm | Raises everyone's Attack by 20 for the Tech's duration and uses their Deathblows on a single enemy | Higher Critical chance |
Enhancement | Buffs Noctis' weapons with an element for ~60 seconds | Increased duration to ~300 seconds |
Libra Elementia | Basic level spell with a follow up | Possibly wider AoE + Higher Critical chance on the follow up |
Sagefire | Fire buffed physical stab with 2 explosions | Ignis additionally throws his daggers at the enemy for 2 extra physical attacks + Higher Critical chance |
Favorite Food
Food | Effect | Ingredients |
Breaded Cutlet with Tomato | Attack +60, HP +250 | Anak Meat, Lucian Tomato
Fluffy Chiffon Cake]] || Defense +200, Spirit +200, HP +1000 || Leiden Sweet Potato, Cleigne Wheat |
Fisherman's Favorite Paella | Attack +120, HP Recovery +25%, HP +600 | Cleigne Mollusk, Caem Pinkshrimp, Saxham Rice |
Tomalley-Filled Dumplings | Attack +100, Magic +200, HP +300 | Shieldshears Claw, Fine Cleigne Wheat |
Kenny's Original Recipe | Attack +150, Defense +200 | Nebula Salmon Fillet, Garlic |
Horntooth Meat Pie | Attack +160, Magic +160, HP +600 | Garulessa Steak, Dualhorn Steak, Cleigne Wheat |
Tech Name | Normal Version | Enhanced Version |
Piercer | Penetrating shot that can hit multiple enemies | Can stagger most enemies + Higher Critical chance |
Starshell | Distracts enemies and weakens Demons | Additionally weakens Demons with holy light |
Recoil | Powerful machinery attack | Prompto runs after the enemy to increase the likelihood of hitting them + Higher Critical chance |
Gravisphere | Pulls enemies and damages them | Stronger pull + Higher Critical chance |
Trigger Happy | Flurry of shots with a finisher | Doubled the amount of shots and gets additional finisher + Higher Critical chance |
Favorite Food
Food | Effect | Ingredients |
Burly Bean Bowl | Attack +40, HP +300 | Chocobean, Lucian Tomato, Sweet Pepper |
Spicy Long-Bone Rib Steak | Attack +50, HP +200 | Dualhorn Steak, Leiden Pepper |
Peppery Daggerquill Rice | Attack +80, HP +250, HP Recovery +25% | Daggerquill Breast, Saxham Rice, Leiden Pepper |
Meat-and-Beet Bouillon | Attack +100, HP +500, Poison-proof | Bulette Shank, Beetroot, Leiden Potato |
Meldacio Meat Pie | Attack +150, Magic +150, HP +500 | Leukorn Steak, Dualhorn Steak, Cleigne Wheat |
Green Soup Curry | Attack +160, HP +800, Fire Resistance +70 | Chickatrice Leg, Allural Shallot, Sweet Pepper |
Tech bar charges fster.
I'm not sure whether this is intentional or not, but Noctis has no Techs of his own, so he only charges Tech bar faster, but there's already Technician for that. I've tested his Armiger and it doesn't seem to charge faster, have longer duration nor gets Critical Hits more often.
Favorite Food
Food | Effect | Ingredients |
Grease Monkey's Schnitzel Sandwich | Attack +80, HP +200 | Garula Sirloin, Cleigne Wheat |
Dish and Chips | HP +300 | Leiden Potato |
Grilled Wild Barramundi | Attack +80, Magic +80, HP +500 | Barramundi Fillet, Schier Turmeric |
Mother & Child Rice Bowl | HP +1000, EXP +30%, Item Drop Rate +50% | Chickatrice Leg, Birdbeast Egg, Saxham Rice |
Garulessandwich | Attack +120, HP +600 | Garulessa Steak, Cleigne Wheat |
Papa Bird & Baby Bowl | HP +1000, EXP +40%, Item Drop Rate +100% | Basilisk Breast, Birdbeast Egg, Saxham Rice |
Memory Lane Cake | Magemaster (Greatly increases Magic but reduces Strength to 0)]] |
Ulwaat Berries, Fine Cleigne Wheat, Leiden Sweet Potato |
Note that when the table says "Higher Critical chance" it means there's basically a guaranteed Critical Hit on both the Tech and any follow up from Noctis as well. Also, the buff stays for the usual duration when you eat something, but it can get removed if the affected character dies in battle.