Sword of the Tall

Sword of the Tall
File:Sword of the tall1.png
Type Weapon
Subtype Royal Arm
Attack +518
Critical +2
Max HP +200
Magic +D
Spirit -30
Fire Resist -40
Ice Resist -40
Lightning Resist -40
Dark Resist -40
Effect A greatsword that deals multiple hits with each blow
Acquired by Royal Tomb: Costlemark Tower
Description A king was built like a mountain, towering over all others. This was his greatsword. The resonating blade rips and tears through foes.

Sword of the Tall is a Royal Arm Weapon.

How to Obtain

The tomb is in south-eastern Duscae, but the sword is not there. A note will be in the tomb saying that it's been taken to Costlemark Tower dungeon. This dungeon is found north-east of the tomb and can only be accessed during the night. The last boss in the dungeon drops the sword.


  • Basic combo: Slow grinding slashes that hit multiple times, it's like a chainsaw.
  • Aerial combo: A single grinding slash.
  • Phase-counter: Stab
  • Warp strike: Noct warps to the enemy and spins the sword, hitting enemies around him multiple times.
  • Note: The multi-hit nature of this weapon makes it excellent at breaking enemy parts.
  • How to use: It's decent at breaking things, but surpassed by other weapons. I honestly don't know what this is good for... :/

Additional Information

  • All moves are now saw-like multi-hits. Does not seem to have an impact on how quickly appendages break or frequency of forcing enemies into the Vulnerable State outside of the fact that it multi-hits.