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Combat Guide

1,969 bytes added, 04:38, 6 January 2017
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===Royal Arms===
[[Royal Arms]] are a bit of a special case. They’re great for dealing lots of damage rather quickly, especially earlier in the game, and their unique attacks and types can be useful in a lot of situations. However, since they do damage to you, they aren’t as useful for bringing down some of the tough marathon bosses, and their inability to link means that their damage output even against late-game normal enemies can be underwhelming. I recommend equipping them primarily for their stat bonuses. That said, don’t write them off completely—there will be situations where you can spare the HP and links aren’t feasible or necessary, and in these situations your royal arms can do some work for you. Edit: Royal arms do normal (white) damage to every enemy, as far as I know. This means enemies are never resistant to them (purple), but also never weak against them (red). This makes them very strong against certain enemies like [[Red Giant]]s. Also note that royal arms do have their uses, usually based on their movesets, effects, and animations. Collect and try them all out.
==Noctis' Special Techniques==
===Great Sword Tempest===
Hold Attack Button, immediately release it after the attack connects, then hold it again right before. After the [[Greatsword]] disappears from Noctis hand (you can also chain this from different weapons). Noctis will spin his Greatsword 360 degree twice, and Noctis is invisible during the animation.
===Monster Hunter Greatsword Charge===
Hold left stick backwards when holding attack button, Noctis will go into charging stance and began glowing. The longer you hold the buttons, the stronger the resulting slash is. (managed to deal 9999 damage against Vulnerable Zu)
===Lance Full Thrust===
While holding Attack button, tilt left stick backward once (don't hold it, Noctis will perform different moves otherwise), Noctis will hop backwards then lunge forward dealing multi hit damage. It's pretty good against single target enemy. Noctis could not be knocked down during the animation.
===Lance Discount Dragoon Jump===
Press attack button while Noctis is directly above enemy position., instead of normal forward thrust, Noctis will do diving attack that deals multi hit damage. You can executes this easily against smaller/knocked down enemies ([[Scorpion]]s, [[Saberstusk]], [[Sahagin]], etc), for slightly bigger enemies ([[Magitek Soldier]], [[Anak Calf]]) you can do this by doing normal air forward thrust, then tilt left stick forward and Noctis will roll forward mid air, ended up above the enemies position.
===Omen Trailer Dagger Drop Kick===
Hold left stick backwards while holding attack buttons, Noctis will hop backwards and throw the [[daggers]] at the enemies, keep holding attack button and left stick backwards to continuously throw dagger. Depending on the distance, not the number of daggers threw, Noctis will do warp drop kick on the enemy. Edit : The Drop Kick doesn't track the enemies, so if the enemies moves before the Drop Kick daggers hit, Noctis will miss the drop kick.

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