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Chapter 12 - End of Days

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Chapter 12 does not start off great for the group of friends; let alone Noctis, who is currently stuck on the top of a train as the darkness slowly, starts to encroach towards him.
===No Turning Back===
Noctis starts on the very top of the train as it goes under a long, dark tunnel. At this point in the game, you should know by now that darkness breeds demons, and even in this tunnel that’s not something the group or Noctis can avoid. For the entirety of this quest I would recommend the use of any Holy weapons that you have on your person, since it’s one of the best ways of dealing consistent damage to the lot of them.
Make your way down to the front of the train, warp-strike any enemies that you have a fair amount of distance between because the amount of damage that you will be causing because of it makes it more than worth your while. Do recall, however, attacks from demons will lower your maximum HP, so stay on the defensive if you don’t have the kind of damage to take them out quickly and efficiently so you don’t have to consume every single one of your elixirs before the quest even comes to an end.
Don’t stop making progress to the front of the train and after you make it to that end of the train, you’ll have a chance to relax for a little bit as Leviathan will crop up, save you from the remainder of the demons, and give Noctis a chance for some respite.
===Where She Lived===
Safe back inside the train as it slowly pulls up to the ruins of Tenebrae; you’ll be greeted at the stop by a rather familiar face: Aranea. Thankfully she is no longer on the payroll for the empire, so you don’t have anything to fear.
She will ask you to follow her and discuss what it is she is doing there and will soon begin discussions about leaving the passengers here for their safety and carrying on with just Noctis, his friends, and a couple of Aranea’s most trusted engineers: Biggs and Wedge – who will be piloting and running the remainder of the train for you.
You’ll be tasked with having a word with someone before you head on out that will lead to one quick cutscene, before the newly-sized group set out to continue their adventure; alone and no longer with the worry of passengers being harmed in the crossfire.
===Into the Arctic Crevasse===
This quest is a bit of filler and gives you the chance to relax for a minute. Simply spend the time exploring around the train for some free items that are left lying about the place, until soon enough you will be treated to a phone call.
Accept the call, allow the quest to end, and sit and wait for the events to play out until the next quest starts.
===Breath of the Glacian===
Upon the start of the chapter Biggs will report that there’s a blockage in the way of the train, so they pull up to it and allow for Noctis and the group to step out and check out what the problem is – the main one being the incredibly large icicles that don’t look that easy to destroy. Right now, though that’s the least of their worries as some demons start cropping up and it’s recommended to take them down as quick as possible, because they have no intentions of letting up and giving you a break.
The next major part of combat will be in the form of a rather large and imposing Deathclaw. He can do a considerable amount of damage to you, so keep on the defensive as best you can and get a good number of hits in after every strike it makes, due to its rather slow; yet powerful attacks. Once you best the beast, head back onto the train and wait for an unwelcome guest to appear once more.
Upon stepping onto the train, Ardyn will appear to infuriate Noctis once again and leave him to give chase. Eventually you’ll make your way to him, with a fair amount of struggles here and there throughout. It’s at this point the Glacian will reveal herself to you and protect you from Ardyn and his tricks; only for a short time, though.
During all of this, your friends have been unconscious, so head back to wake them up and be treated to another small meeting with Ardyn who will reveal information that you won’t want to miss.
Afterwards, he’ll vanish once more, leaving the friends alone once again and ending the chapter!
After the encounter comes to an end, the train gets back on track and their quest continues over onto chapter 13; where I’m sure you won’t be surprised continues to ramp up more and more.
==Tips and Tricks==
[[Category:Chapters]] [[Category:Lore]]

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