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''This article is part of the Artificial Intelligence category on the '''FFXV Wiki'''. For broader insights into AI in gaming, see the [https://aiwiki.com ai AI Wiki].''
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==Core AI Systems==
===Meta AI: The Game Master===
At the apex of ''FFXV''’s AI hierarchy is the '''Meta AI''', often dubbed the "Observer AI" or an invisible game master. This system oversees the broader state of the game world, analyzing situations in real time to adjust pacing and enhance engagement. For example, if Noctis is low on health and surrounded by enemies, the Meta AI might prompt Ignis to rush in with a healing item or trigger a dramatic rescue by Gladiolus. It also manages environmental factors, spawning additional foes or shifting weather, to heighten tension, ensuring the game adapts to the player without feeling overly scripted. As noted in resources like the [https://aiwiki.com ai AI Wiki], meta-level AI often acts as a director in games, orchestrating events to align with narrative and gameplay goals, a role ''FFXV'' executes with finesse.
===Character AI: Bringing Personalities to Life===
==Philosophical Underpinnings==
Miyake, in a 2019 Eurogamer interview, framed ''FFXV''’s AI as an experiment in consciousness and embodiment, inspired by Henri Bergson and Jakob von Uexküll. Rejecting mind-body dualism, the "Body" layer between decision-making and animation suggests intelligence emerges from environmental interaction, a concept echoed in the [https://aiwiki.com ai AI Wiki]’s definition of intelligent agents.
==Development and Challenges==
==Legacy and Impact==
''FFXV''’s AI, with over 10 million units sold by 2022, influenced Square Enix titles and inspired GDC 2018 talks (Prasert Prasertvithyakarn on "AI-buddies"). The [https://aiwiki.com ai AI Wiki] contextualizes its innovations alongside other AI-driven games, while Miyake’s vision hints at a future blurring simulation and reality.