Malboro/Malbodoom Timed Quest Farming Guide
From Final Fantasy XV Wiki
- See also: Malboro/Malbodoom Timed Quest and Guides
I'll be absolutely honest. This specific new Timed Quest EXP method is actually awful for those who aren't geared. Neither will this method be non-geared player friendly because there isn't really a method for non-geared players due to longer time spent per run, which leads to other method like the Wyvern Bounty EXP/Gil Method would be more efficient for non-geared players.
If you're not geared, please proceed to the Wyvern Bounty EXP/Gil Method since spending any more than 2 minutes or more, is just not worth doing this method and you'll be losing out on EXP.
- If geared, you can do this run in around 1 minutes and 10 seconds.
- You'll get 64k~ EXP per run.
- You'll get to make money via consumables that get dropped.
- You'll get consumables to craft the spell needed for these runs to be efficient.
- Expericasting A+ Rating, huge bonus to EXP. Can go up to 100k+ EXP.
- This method nor is this Timed Quest is not non-geared player-friendly.
- You're actually required to backstab for more damage and to avoid the Malbadoom's Cone-AOEs
- Many Malbo Brats to ruin your targeting.
- You need resources to spend on spells.
Anyways, shall we start?
- Main Weapon: Zwill Crossblades
- Royal Arms Equipped for Attributes: Sword of the Father, Axe of the Conqueror.
- Spell Equipped: Blizzard (Quintcast)
- Accessories: Ribbon, Moogle Charm, +Strength Accessory or Turbo Techcharger, if available.
- Accessories: Moogle Charm, MV1/2, MV1/2 (Can replace MV1/2 with +Strength Accessories, your choice).
- Technique: Enhancement.
- Accessories: Ribbon, Moogle, preferably MV1/2 - but your choice.
- Technique: Gravisphere, specifically for the Malbo Brats.
- Accessories: Ribbon, Moogle Charm, MV1/2 preferably or a Target Scope to increase Gravipshere Damage.
Food Buff
- Yes, you know it. Maagho's Lasagna in Altissia! Of course, for the 100% EXP Bonus.
Tips and Advice
- The bad thing is, this method requires the use of resources. Preferably, use 10x Mega-Elixirs and 10x Ice Element to craft a Blizzard Quintcast Lv99. Upon using the spell, try and target it specifically in the center of the two Lv65 Malbadooms. The normal Lv38 Marlboros won't pose a threat and will die almost immediately.
- Use Enhancement, if the Lv38 Marlboros are alive, you'll get 50/50 between either getting Ice/Fire. I'd recommend downing the Lv38 Marlboros as soon as possible with simply a Zwill Dagger spamming prior to using Enhancement for the 2x Lv65 Malbadooms.
- I'd personally recommend popping Prompto's Gravisphere when there are too much Malbro Brats around just for the extra EXP.
- Unless you're experienced with Malbadooms attack sequence, I'd recommend going back backstabs as much as possible. However, if you are experienced, take Enhancement and down it as fast as possible head-on, but avoid the Smoke attack.
Bonuses, not necessary, but bonuses!
- Getting A+ is really, really simple if you get everything down on point. Thus, if you feel like you can still get an A+ minus the Blizzard Quintcast and have available Rare Coins/Debased Coins, *Silverpieces and Banknotes, take advantage of the A+ Expiercast Lv96/99's. This will trim a lot of your overall time spent grinding. As always, I'd recommend use of Expericast for those who aren't necessarily against the spell, but I specifically recommend using Expericast this time round because getting the A+ bonuses will help you achieve Level 120 a whole lot quicker.
- Annnyways, once again, I hope this has helped those who requires a method to grind to level 120. I personally, am not a fan of this method since this isn't Non-Geared Players friendly, where as the previous timed quest, the 100x Cactuars/Slactuars Genocide was easier on those who weren't as geared. However, luckily, I had made the Wyvern Bounties EXP/GIL Method guide a long time ago, and this is still viable till this day, so if you spend more than 2 minutes per run on the new timed quest, 4x Malboros/Malbadooms, do take a look at the Wyvern Bounty EXP/Gil Method.