Radio Broadcasts, Reports and Ads

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See also: Lore



Chapter 1 – Departure

See also: Chapter 1

(radio broadcasts were all the same up until telling Dino we were ready to set sail)

Local/Regional/Celebrity Gossip

F-Newscaster: “Now the question on everyone’s mind: who is Prince Noctis? His hardened features belie a gentle demeanor. He’s a kind soul who loves animals and nature. Former schoolmates describe him as well mannered and well groomed, noting he graduated top of their class. Word has it he takes time from his princely duties to do community service.”

M-Newscaster: “What a fine young man.”


(also plays on the radio in the Regalia after you visit Longwythe Outpost on the way to Galdin Quay.)

M-Newscaster: “For our next story, Lady Lunafreya of Tenebrae has issued an official statement regarding the forthcoming treaty.”

Lunafreya: “Words cannot express the joy in my heart on receiving word of this coming peace. Nor the pride I take in my betrothal playing a part in this historic moment. On this joyous occasion, some have voiced cause for concern. The fear that I will be unable to fulfill my duties as Oracle. Please rest assured my marriage will not stand in the way of my calling. You will find me in your towns and villages, as you always have, and I shall continue to bless you all.”

M-Newscaster: “Lady Lunafreya will set forth from Tenebrae for her wedding ceremony in the coming days. Please be advised that, during her time alone, her duties as Oracle will be suspended.”


F-Newscaster: “Emperor Iedolas Aldercapt completed his scheduled tour of the Crown City ahead of the treaty signing ceremony. Although the precise date of the signing has yet to be unveiled, preparations are already well under way. Government officials say they will issue an announcement regarding the ceremony in the coming days.”


M-Newscaster: “Earlier, His Majesty King Regis addressed the kingdom on the matter of the peace treaty.”

King Regis: “Some among you may regard this term of peace with apprehension. You may wonder if your king has forsaken his people, when it is for their very sake I have acted. The lands of Leide, Duscae, and Cleigne shall be ceded to imperial governance, granting us assurance that the people of these regions will be spared further bloodshed on account of this war."

"Life will go on, and all will continue to know liberty and prosperity.”

M-Newscaster: “An appeal for understanding and support from his Majesty ahead of the signing ceremony. While there is no denying that the impending treaty has been met with a modicum of resistance in the out lands, on the whole, the Lucian populace welcomes the coming peace.”

Local/Celebrity Gossip

F-Newscaster: “The dress is being produced by none other than Vivienne Westwood, Altissa's premier designer.”

“First rate chefs from around the world have assembled in Altissa to cater the wedding. The team is crafting a menu rich with delicacies, including caviar fresh from the Baia di Celluna.”

“Flowers have also been flown in to fill the bouquet Lady Lunafreya will carry as she walks down the aisle.”


F-Newscaster: “Today’s guest is no stranger to our program: renowned biological researcher Sania Yeagre!”

Sania Yeagre: “Hey there! I’m takin’ on a serious topic this time around: “monster mutation.”

F-Newscaster: “What sort of “mutation”?

Sania Yeagre: “Well, recently we’ve observed several specimens not quite a chip off the old species, if you catch my drift. These abnormally strong creatures exhibit violent tendencies—you’ll know if you find one. Just hope it doesn’t find you first. They’re a handful even for our hunters, so steer clear.”

Chapter 2 - No Turning Back

See also: Chapter 2

(after Insomnia falls and Noct & co. storm the Nif base overlooking Insomnia)


F-Newscaster: “No one has yet been able to grasp the extent of the damage, but what can you tell us about the situation in the city?”

M-Newscaster: “Occasional outbursts still occur around the Citadel, but the imperial forces have successfully quelled most sources of unrest.”

F-Newscaster: “Nevertheless, the streets bear the scars of war.”

M-Newscaster: “Reports have now surfaced that Lucis was itself arming for an offensive, ahead of their clash… This battle may be remembered as the most violent in history.”


F-Newscaster: “You’ve issued an advisory to all travelers.”

Dave: “That we did. We’re askin’ everyone to keep indoors come nightfall. If you do need to be out past dark, you’ll wanna make sure there’s a hunter by your side. And that includes night drivin’. Rollin’ up your windows ain’t gonna keep you safe for one second.”

F-Newscaster: “We’d like to instruct our listeners in need of protection to dial Hunter Headquarters directly.”

M-Newscaster: “So those out on the road at dusk should seek refuge at a… at a haven?”

Dave: “No doubt that’s your best bet right there. Although the Oracle may have left us—may she rest in peace—the havens are holdin’ strong. Just like they did durin’ those four years after Lady Sylva passed away, and before Lady Lunafreya took up the reins. And just in case, we’ve got hunters patrollin’ the havens and makin’ sure they’re safe, so don’t you worry.”

Prairie Outpost – (cart by dining area) (autoplays as you make your way to the tombs to meet up with Cor)


F-Newscaster: “Across the land, sylleblossoms from Tenebrae can be seen displayed in memorium. With no remains to mourn, throngs have gathered in Altissa to pay their respects, many offering prayers at a vigil held before the wedding dress Lady Lunafreya was to wear.

While some hold out hope the oracle still lives, a grim silence continues to linger.”

(after Keycatrich Trench)


M-Newscaster: “Growing seismic activity has shaken Duscae of late. A number of tremors, which locals refer to as “Titan’s Snoring”, have been recorded in the region. While the area has always been earthquake prone, the recent spike in frequency and intensity has given rise to concerns. The imperial army is currently surveying the Disc of Cauthess, believed to be the epicenter. Be advised the area will remain closed off until further notice.”

Chapter 3 - The Open World

See also: Chapter 3


M-Newscaster: “Lord Ravus Nox Fleuret was recently appointed imperial high commander. However, due to grievous wounds sustained in the Citadel, he has been recalled to Nifelheim for treatment. Citizens are assured he will resume peacekeeping efforts in Lucis once recovered.”

F-Newscaster: “In the wake of Lady Lunafreya’s passing, thousands have flocked to Fenestala Manor in Tenebrae to pay their respects. Pilgrims have spared no expense, traveling afar by boat and train. Many expected a eulogy courtesy of Lord Ravus, Lady Lunafreya’s brother and last of the Oracles line. But Lord Ravus has avoided the view of the public eye since the bloodshed at the signing ceremony, causing many to worry about his well-being."


F-Newscaster: “Monster Watch: Trouble is afoot south of Alstor Slough, with the locals reporting another wild behemoth sighting. The beast, known as “Deadeye” due to the scarring on his right pupil, was sighted laying waste to fields neighboring Wiz Chocobo Post late last night, before taking refuge in the nearby Nebulawood.”

(auto plays after Greyshire Glacial Grotto and following Ardyn)

Coernix Station – Cauthess – (by caravan)


Young Lady Lunafreya: “Though I am still young, my blood is true. As my mother before me, I’ll work to bring back peace to one and all.”

F-Newscaster: “That marked the ascension of the youngest Oracle in history. Is it hard giving blessings? “

Young Lunafreya: “It would be selfish of me to complain of my burden, when so many suffer in wait. I hope they trust I will not rest until they all know solace.”

F-Newscaster: “The world watched on with worry and wonder as the young girl grew.”

F-Newscaster 02: “I understand you have a message for us?”

Lady Lunafreya: “If you know of any who are bedridden, or unable to come to me… pray, send word, and I… shall go to them. I follow my calling. I will not halt my steps for anything else.”

F-Newscaster: “In time, her strength would become an inspiration to all.”

Male Newscaster: “What is your opinion of the treaty?”

Lady Lunafreya: “When war has ended, so too will suffering subside. The treaty is a momentous step towards a brighter future. Let there be no doubt: we walk the path if true peace.”

Chapter 4 - Living Legend

See also: Chapter 4

No reports broadcast (unless potentially missing children counts. Ardyn took the kids--I mean--the bros!)

Chapter 5 - Dark Clouds

See also: Chapter 5

(auto plays in opening cutscene)


F-Newscaster: "High Commander Ravus Nox Fleuret issued the following statement regarding the imperial blockades across the region."

Lord Ravus: "We believe the insurgents behind the Citadel attack have taken refuge in Duscae. The blockades shall help us root out the criminals. I realize the inconvenience imposed upon citizenry, but we must each do our part for the good of all."

F-Newscaster: "The high commander also stressed the imperial army would continue its recovery efforts in the Crown City."

===Local/Astral/Environmental===/Government F-Newscaster: "The frequent quakes which rocked the Duscae and Cleigne regions in recent days have finally quieted. In response, the empire provided the following comment:"

Imperial soldier: "The cause of the tremors was the "Archaean" who had awakened in a fit of rage. The imperial army took swift action and laid the unruly giant to rest, thus averting disaster."

Female newscaster: "Eyewitness reports confirm Titan has disappeared from the Disc of Cauthess."

(after following Umbra and talking to Gentiana)

Wiz Chocobo Post – (on some barrels)


F-Newscaster: "Thunder rings throughout Duscae as showers continue to drench the region. Meteorologists are at a loss as to what caused the sudden surge of storm clouds."

"The imperial army may be feeling a bit "under the weather," as border enforcement efforts have recently grown quiet."


Male Radio Show host: "One look out your window's all you need--the rain's comin' down with no sign of stoppin'. First came tremors, and now it's thunderbolts and lightning. If I didn't know better, I'd say the gods were out to get us! Until someone can offer a better explanation, I'm sticking with that. Let's just hope the thunder god doesn't hold a grudge for long.

Speaking of grudges, let's move on to "Letters from Our Listeners"!"

F-Newscaster: "C'mon now--it's not every day a mountain gets up and moves. I'm just thankful the empire was there to make sure no civilians were hurt. Still, you can't help but wonder what happened. The Oracle alone might've known..."

BREAKING NEWS/Regional/Government

M-Newscaster 02: "Now for a traffic update: Imperial blockades continue to impede highway travel. In addition to the north, a new roadblock has been set up along the mountain route in southern Duscae. Interregional travel is now more restricted than ever, with no view as to when normalcy will return."

"The empire has pledged to help repatriate all Crown City refugees who fled amid the chaos at the Citadel. Though the army continues their search for those reported missing, thus far, no leads have been found. Citizens with information are urged to come forward."


M-Newscaster: "In response to concerns among Cleigne locals over the sudden disappearance of the Meteor from the Disc of Cauthess, Lestallum-based EXINERIS has released a statement assuring continued power supply in all regions. However, due to unstable terrain, investigations of the former Meteor site have stalled, and it may take some tie before the truth is brought to light."

F-Newscaster 03: "Today's topic is: Things That Make You Say "Hmmmm." Here's what our first listener had to say: "Callin' Kenny asks: "Is it me, or is the sun setting really early lately?"*

"What? How is that even possible? This better not be true, or I am just gonna lose it. I can't take being cooped up indoors any longer than I am now!"

(auto plays after busting up Aracheole Stronghold)

BREAKING NEWS/Regional/Government

M-Newscaster: "At long last imperial blockades of Duscaen roadways have been removed. The imperial army has also demolished all related facilities erected around the the region. The provisional government of Insomnia anticipates increased traffic congestion along most local highways, and encourages all citizens to refrain from any unnecessary travel for the time being."

Chapter 6 - A Way Forward

See also: Chapter 6

BREAKING NEWS/Regional/Government

M-Newscaster: "A new development has surfaced in the story of the raid on Aracheole Stronghold. The army has reportedly seized four male suspects in Lestallum and transferred them to the empire for further questioning."

"Pressed about rumors of the reportedly deceased Lucian crown prince's involvement in the attack, an imperial spokesperson passed them off as absurd."

M-Newscaster 02: "High Commander Fleuret deparated Lestallum this morning, having completed his tour of the Lucian continent. Occupation forces will nevertheless reaming in Lucis, defending imperial garrisons. The imperial army pledges to ensure the safety of Lucian citizens via strict regulation of interregional travel."


Male radio show host: "Good news for all of you Duscae locals depressed by these downpours: They're done! Mr. Golden Sun is back in town now that the atmospheric anomaly has abated. And if my previous theory about the rain holds any water, that means our friend the thunder god has probably taken a nap."

"We've endured earthquakes and storms--what could be next? If you ask this supernatural spectacular: the flood."

BREAKING NEWS/National/Government

F-Newscaster: "BREAKING NEWS from Accordo: First Secretary Camelia Claustra spike at a press conference earlier announcing that Lady Lunafreya is currently in the custody of Altissian officials."

Camelia Claustra: "I can confirm we have Lady Lunafreya in our care. The people of Accordo, saddened by the rumors of the Oracle's passing, can breathe a collective sigh of relief. Though she is weary from her trials, I am happy to report she is well."

F-Newscaster: "Citing safety concerns during the Lucian peace talks, Secretary Claustra stressed the need for pragmatism in negotiating the Oracle's repatriation."

Government/Celebrity Gossip

F-Newscaster: "So you mean the high commander's left arm is completely artificial?"

M-News guest: "Yes that's what "prosthetic" means. I assume he had it made while undergoing treatment back in the empire. It seems they imbued the arm with Magitek, the same technology they use to power their entire nation. Technology they appropriated from an ancient civilization."

"The point is that the arm's not just for show--it packs a pretty punch, pardon the pun."


F-Newscaster: "I must admit, I'm rather unfamiliar with the Hydraean outside of what I've read about her in the Cosmogony."

M-Newscaster: "Well that's something we have in common. She's been asleep for years. No one alive has ever seen her. But given the Archaean's awakening, it's not beyond reason that the sea goddess could follow suit. And if she does, o-ho look out--the legends tell of a wrathful spirit with no love for mankind."

F-Newscaster: "Altissa could be in for a disaster on the order of what we saw at the Disc."

Government/Celebrity Gossip

F-Newscaster: "The high commander insisted that the late King Regis gifted him with the glaive as a gesture of goodwill before the signing, denying claims it was taken as a spoil of war afterward. With armistice talks tabled indefinitely, suspicions of the high commander run high, many alleging he pilfered the blade after the king was slain."

"But official media deems this version of events to be false."

(*on the way to Cape Caem with Iris after the infiltration of Fort Vaullerey that there were no radio broadcasts about this but the people at Old Lestallum talked about it.)

Chapter 7 - Party of Three

See also: Chapter 7

No reports broadcast

Chapter 8 - Seaworthy

See also: Chapter 8

(I checked each spot we hit up so far on the journey just to make sure I didn't miss anything.)


M-Newscaster: "In the wake of the recent raid on the empire's own Fort Vaullerey situated right here in Cleigne, Caligo Ulldor, commander of the Lucis Garrison's Fifth Division l, was released yesterday from an imperial hospital after receiving medical treatment. As of this morning the commander has returned to Lucis and resumed his duties."


F-newscaster: "In today's Monster Watch update, the zu roosting atop the Rock of Ravatogh has flown the coop. Eyewitness accounts report the gargantuan bird has been taking flight with an increasing frequency while exhibiting erratic behaviour. Some allege the Zu even unleashed an intimidating screech, atypical of such a gentle creature."

"Biologists are baffled, yet some suspect the recent rain's and seismic phenomena as possible causes for the zu's change in temperament."


F-newscaster 02: "In the wake of serial attacks on its bases, the imperial army has released information on the culprits. Those responsible are fugitives from the Crown City, who are also wanted in connection with the violence at the signing ceremony."

"For the safety of all citizens, the imperial army promises swift action in bringing these criminals to justice.


F-newscaster 03: "In other news, recent thunderstorms have precipitated some unexpected consequences in Duscae. The stones sealing off Fociaugh Hollow, at theregion's crnter, have collapsed due to the heavy rainfall. The Hunters wasted no time investigating the newly opened cavern, and already they report daemon sightings."

"Locals are urged to keep away from the cavern at night."

Government/Celebrity Gossip

F-newscaster 03: "Next up, "Eyes of EXINERIS" asks, "How come High Commander Fleuret's got a fake arm?" Our listeners always ask the tough questions--but we've got the answers! It all stems from an injury at the signing ceremony. The arm itself was created with state-of-the-art technology--the same kind the empire uses in their magitek infantry."

"Speaking of which, did you know those troopers aren't human? It turns out every one of them an empty, soulless robot."

Government/Celebrity Gossip

F-Newscaster: "Reports have surfaced suggesting the "dead" may indeed walk among us. Crown Prince Noctis was believed to have perished in the terrorist attack on the Citadel. There have, however, been reports that the prince had departed the Crown City ahead of time and was not present on the day of the ceremony. Moreover, eyewitness accounts of the prince riding in the late king's car in Lucis have fueled hope for the anti-imperial factions."


M-Newscaster: "The imperial army has released a statement regarding its involvement in a recent civilian murder in Lestallum. According to the explanation provided by the army's official correspondent, on the morning of the incident, an imperial commander was patrolling the area outside the Leville Hotel. A Lucian man assaulted him from behind."

"The assailant would not desist, forcing the commander to wield his weapon in self-defense."


F-newscaster: "The recent daemon outbreak in Lestallum has been officially put to rest. Generators inside the EXINERIS power plant incurred damages, pulling them offline temporarily. Today, the corporation formally announced that repairs were complete and all generators were back up. Even as inspections were conducted, unaffected generators continued to supply power to the grid and this far, there have been no reports of outages resulting from the incident."


(I went back and killed Deadeye)

F-Newscaster: "Deadeye is dead: Duscae's farmers are celebrating the demise of the infamous behemoth who terrorized the region. The predators insatiable habit led it to wreak havoc on farms and ravage crops. This hunt followed several unsuccessful attempts by bands of hunters to put an end to the menace. The repeated failures had begun to create a crisis of confidence amoung beleaguered residents, but it was a different story as the Hunters reported the beast felled by a team of four of their finest."

"No damage was done to the surrounding area."

Chapter 9 - Callings

See also: Chapter 9

Chapter 10 - The Heart of the King

See also: Chapter 10

Train to Cartanica - Dining Area

BREAKING NEWS/Government/Celebrity Gossip

Newscaster: "High Commander Fleuret has been deemed accountable for Altissia's tragedy and sentenced to execution. Lord Ravus Nox Fleuret was promoted to the imperial army's top post amid the turmoil of the failed peace talks. The high commander's primary responsibility was restoring stability to Lucis. Yet his campaign against the Hydrean ended in disaster, incurring monumental losses for the empire and collateral damage to the area."


Newscaster: "In the wake of the Tidemother's wrath, the government of Accordo has declared a state of national emergency."

Camelia: "On behalf of the nation, I would like to express our relief that King Noctis has survived. The towering waves that swept over Altissia left great destruction in their wake. It will take time to rebuild our lives. That said, the damage done to our fair capital would have been far more severe were it not for the aid of the king and the Oracle."

Newscaster: "First Secretary Claustra also pledged the government would continue its search for Lady Lunafreya, whose current whereabouts remain unknown.”

Chapter 11 - In the Dark

See also: Chapter 11

No reports broadcast

Chapter 12 - End of Days

See also: Chapter 12

Train to Tenebra - Dining Area


Navigator: "So you're saying the hunters are on high alert?"

Dave: "That's right, what with all them scholarly folks talkin' 'bout the nights growin' longer. They been lookin' into this for awhile, and they ain't once recorded a day with more sunlight than the last. Ain't no telling when the night'll fall an' the demons'll come out so we recommend y'all take extra care.

Navigator: "I shudder to think that if the nights keep growing longer, there may soon come a day that won't be day at all."


Navigator: "So according to your research, Ms. Yeagre, this phenomenon of the nights growing longer is by no means a recent development."

Sania Yeagre: "Not at all! The change was just too subtle for anyone to notice 'til recently. It took three extra hours of darkness for people to panic, and now it's completely irregular. The other day we got half am hour more night. Day's days are numbered, I tell ya."

Chapter 13 - Redemption

See also: Chapter 13

Zegnautus Keep - Barracks


Dave: "As of yesterday, we done opened the gates of Lestallum to any and all refugees. Don't matter where you come from—all ya'll are welcome. We're one people now. Y'all're in need of an escort, give us a holler at HQ and we'll dispatch a hunter right away. It's dangerous to go alone. I'd also like to take this opportunity to ask the people of Lestallum to embrace your fellow man and treat 'em with the respect we all deserve. Lestallum's the only light left."

"Darkness may have consumed the skies, but don't let it consume your hearts."


M-Newscaster: "The research lab has been devoid of life for several weeks. Daemons once kept in captivity have been sighted outside the compound, suggesting a security breach. An outbreak could have dire implications for Gralea's city center, and all communications with the facility are still down. Meanwhile, the imperial railway remains paralyzed, and services within Accordo suspended."


F-Newscaster: "So you're saying anyone can become a hunter, regardless of where they're from or what they can do."

Ezma: "Precisely. Right now, we need all the help we can get."

F-Newscaster: "But I think a lot of our listeners are worried that "help" involves putting their own lives in danger."

Ezma: "Simply reporting that danger to a senior hunter at HQ is good enough. We all work together as a team to keep the peace. We would never send new recruits on life-threatening missions. We start recruits off on small tasks, such as keeping watch over a neighborhood."

F-Newscaster: "I'm sure our listeners will be relieved to hear that."

Chapter 14 - Home Coming

See also: Chapter 15